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Login using username and passwordLogin


To add an event or activity, log in with an ID card, Mobile ID or Smart-ID.


At the first entry, the organizer's data is filled in, which can be changed later. Profile information is automatically displayed when you enter an event or hobby in the Organizer block. When entering, the form must be filled in in parts, the new part will open when saving the previous one. Entries for approval will be reviewed and approved by the moderator within one business day.

The Saaremaa Events portal:

adding events and hobbies for free;

it is possible to make entries in Estonian and English. It is strongly recommended that all organizers complete the English section.


What is Saaremaa events?



Provides a good overview of events and hobbies in Saare County.


As a organizer you create content yourself.


Available online and on a smartphone. Entered events & activities can be shared with the touch of a button on other platforms.